
Afraid of love ?

There are among you two shy souls looking for each other.

Little J and Jacob.A .

I think they both still love each other but they are too afraid to ruin their friendship if it doesn't work again.

Life is a constant assumption of risks , so take some risks !

Jacob.A still has feelings for Little J . Why ? Cause when Serena asks him if he still have , there is what he answered :

*rolls eyes* i'm not gonna answer that question

Why did he not just say no ? 
What is Jacob problem ? Girlfriend of course ... a girl named Autumn .
You know what I think about this girl ? REBOUND ! Jenny disappointed our Jacob so many times, would he like to give her another chance ?  To be continued . . .

advice for you Little J : Stop being haughty and admit your feelings .
advice for you Jacob : Autumn is old season , stop lying to yourself !

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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