
Love triangle ... again ?

Everybody knows about what is a love triangle.

Well it seems that we have a new one in town. This one ?

Serena / Nate / Sasha

Why ?

Cause I noticed that Nate Archibald and the famous Serena Van Der Woodsens are really ... Touchy !

They spend their time thinking of their past when they were together , they talk about the kisses they shared and even the nights they shared ! They were talking a lot about the fact that Serena took Nate's virginity a long ago . Besides they are always touching each other , hugging and even kissing . On the cheek its true , but a kiss is a kiss , right ?

Will Nate break up with his Sasha for Serena's beautiful eyes ? Maybe.

Will Serena break up with Dan for Nate ? Maybe.

Will there be a cat fight between Sasha & Serena ? I hope so !

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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