
Fall down from the castle ?

Everybody knows and everybody loves Paige Marie Hale.

She is perfect.

The good friend & The good wife.
She is married to Jacob Black and she is pregnant. How lovely !
But the perfect girl is not as perfect she wants us to believe she is. She was spotted last week really close to her ex Tyson Greenwood.
And now , sounds like she needs the friends she was nice with because she is not a wife anymore . . .

SPOTTED : Paige & Jacob break up - Jacob gone !

What happened ?

Jacob left probably cause his princess was flirting with Tyson last week.
The Angel being a little Demon ? Hell yes !

What is going to happen now ?

She will be the single mother ! Pathetic.
I have pity on you Paige , you ruined your life and your baby's life.
All you can do now is not forget the good moments.

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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