
No one resists to an Archibald !

And she falls again . . .

SPOTTED : SS & N going back together.

I am maybe a Bitch but I love happy endings , and I am happy let you know Mrs Fickle & Mr Manwhore are back together.

Here is the piece of evidence :

*leans my head back and sighs relieved* GOD THANK YOU! *smiles wide and looks at you* I love you.. *kisses the top of your nose* I love you. *kisses your cheek* I love you. *kisses your lips tenderly* I love you!! 

For me it sounds like N asked SS to take him back.
How long this time ?
Please SS , stick Nate to your side I'm tired of writing about your love life. It is getting boring and always the same stories. You are turning into your ex bestfriend who can't keep a boy more than an hour. I don't need to tell you all what she does in a hour . . . I let your imagination doing it.

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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