
Bring me down ?

As you all know the bitch Agnes Andrew is back in town .

She said in her last post that nobody loves what is late but nobody loves people who come back less than a week later too !

Just so you know Youtubers , when you leave , leave for good or stay !

For now the only ones who I'm respecting are Carter Baizen [ BaizenCarter ] ,  The Old Dan Humphrey [ DanHumphreyOfficial ]  and The Old Chuck Bass [ TheChuckBassOfficial ]. Even Nate Archibald [ ActualNateArchibald ] came back some days ago.

You want to know what I think ? ...  Of course you want.

Nobody loves our dear Agnes and everybody rejects her . Have you any friend Z ? Sounds like not.
The most interesting thing with a blog : it's not the posts but the fact no one knows who is the blogger.
Who is late now ?

You wanna bring me down ? Just try.

But let me tell you something , I know you really well. I used to talk to you and I know what are your failures. Just so you know ...

Start now , my posts will only talk about what happened in your lives. I won't judge you anymore , I don't feel like I want to. You are so stupid to understand you all have to change.

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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