
People come and go.

Back from darkness and gone for liberty ?

SPOTTED : Joker back & Harley gone !

Tyson Greenwood [ TheTysonGreenWood ] came back just the day Jacob Anderson left.

And everyone is looking at Little J.

Indeed , Tyson and Little J were already arguing about who left the other , who's fault is it.
You want my opinion ? It is Tyson's fault.
He was the one who left the town running. Why ?
No one knows. Love issue ? Drug dealing ? Nothing would surprise me with him.

We all know they have had a complicate and hazy relationship based on lies , cheat , sex , drugs & alcohol.
And they call it a love relationship ? They both think they are too good for being with the other , they changed cause of the other , they are the best partner the other have ever had in his/her life.
I do think they deserve each other.

Can someone understand them ? No.
Actually one girl among you can. Alice Cullen. [ AliceBCullensChannel ]
I am going to keep an eye on her. She would be interesting to study.
She is one of Little J's best friend and she is also Tyson's ex.
But for now , Little J left too.

Why ? Cause of Jacob or cause of Tyson ? Both.

To be continued . . .

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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