
And they lived happily ever after . . .

Happiness is back in the Upper East Side.

Motto of my lovely youtubers : Forgive & Forget !

Who ?

First the Linday Lohan & Nicole Richie of New-York.
SS & Little J are besties for life again ... I give them two weeks, maybe less. 
They decided to move on and be the closest friends they have always been.
Be careful , we all know once they are back together , they can be really bitchy . Keep an eye on them. I do.

Then . . .

The Princess Serena and her Prince Charming Dan.
S decided to forgive her Lonely Boy who tried explain he is only in love with, according to him,  "the girl of his life".

Wedding before leaving ? I hope so.

One more week before Lonely Boy leaves the town.We all know a lot of things happen in just one week ... People try to make him stay but without success.
Advice : Blackmail always works.
Moreover , a lot friends of S weren't against the idea of kicking D's ass. I am talking about Damon Salvatore.
To be continued . . .

Then . . .

Sasha's new friends.

SS always crushing , but on who ? D or the new youtuber I am introducing Diego [ OfficialDiego ]. They have been really closed recently , he even proposed to her yet ! Keep an eye on him , he may be the new outsider. 

The last insider is Elena [ TheMissElenaGilbert ], a new wannabe. Friend with Little J & SS , she thinks she is famous enough to threaten me ! Listen bitch , don't walk around the bitchy friends , you will burn your wings.

And finally . . .

New blogger in town : MademoseleX.
My opinion ? One word. Pathetic.

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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