
Little J's shadow . . .

She is powerful. She is loved. She is a bitch. She is a whore. She is sneaky. She is envious. She is jealous.
And she feels superior.

Some love her and some hate her.

Little J aka Cassie.

But what you didn't understand is that you can't get rid off a girl like Little J. She tried to change her personnality but changing your name will not change who you are.
And unfortunately her friends know it.
By her friends , I mean SS & Alice.

This isn't new , SS lives in Little J's shadown since the beginning.
Little J had a bad influence on her. But she is still over her friend. She is the bitchiest. She is a sucker planner but she is good at threatening. Each time the good friends were fighting , Little J was the leader and SS the follower. They remind me B & Chuck the Puppy . . .
SS tries to get her own reputation without the name of Little J associated, but for now : no success. If you hear about SS , you hear about Little J too cause she is never really far. 

But Alice in Little J's shadow ? This is new. 
Alice has always been transparent and discreet about her life. She keeps her life closed to everyone except her close friend Little J. She is dating Ben but she still loves Tyson. Same Tyson her close friend Little J is dating since yesterday. [ About that , I give them less than a week . . . Tyson is a women's man not a woman's man. ]  Unlucky you Alice , you live in Little J's shadow. Tyson and Little J have a complicated past and a complicated future too. They were meant to be, they are creepy. You can try to be better than her , but you would have to change and people don't change. They are who they are.

Advice for SS & Alice : Girls , as long as you will stay around to the bitch you won't be known for yourself. Dump the whore and live in solo.
Advice for Little J : Don't forget the "Hoes before Bros" !

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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