
Lights , Camera , Action !

SPOTTED : B & D : Remake of a romance movie ?

Upper East Side Girl & Brooklyn Boy. Wealth & Poverty. Classy & Sloppy. The Torturer & The Victim.

Queen Bee & Lonely Boy.

But this doesn't prevent people from falling in love.
And usually the best love starts by a big fight.  

Preposterous ? I answer "why not ?" .

Two days ago , D & B were talking about D's intention to leave . She BEGGED him not to but our Lonely Boy is stubborn. So they kept on talking about how much they are going to miss each other. B changed her title a lot , from " Please don't leave" , to " People always leave" and finally the non-famous "a love that will possible never happen" . Tell me it is incongrus now !
Moreover , B last comment to D was " I have to tell you something" and then [ . . . ] No comments ! But later , D left a comment on B's page in French.
Code ? Surely.
Unfortunately, I don't speak french so I can't translate it.

S, SS, B, . . . They all fall for Lonely Boy.
Who is next ?

So I think if S breaks up with D, like TheGossipSpyofNY wants her to do , D won't stay single more than an hour !

This week will be interesting.

[ NOTE : I decided not to leave you for now. ]

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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