
The teacher and The pupil

When I say September , what are you thinking about ?

School of course !

Well , well ... let me introduce you with our teacher this year : Jenny Humphrey !

You know Little J reputation , right ?

One word : Whore !

Is she tired of being one or does she want to share her experience with the wannabes ? Sounds like it's the case.

Jenny has been spoted teaching some teasing lessons to the new slut in town : Vanessa Clearwater.

Jenny told Vanessa to kiss her own brother Dan Humphrey just to piss Serena off !

We all know Jenny hates Serena , even if she deny it .

You know what I think ? I think it is a plan. Jenny wants her brother to break up with Serena cause she hates her . So Little J you want to stick your brother with a hooker ? Lovely .

You wanted to be blogged about Vanessa ? Done , I'm going to call you Slut forever now !

You change your partner as you change your dress ! You kiss each guy on your way  and you even obey to Jenny Humphrey ? I have pity on you !

You know you love gossips,

Gossip Girl Spy.

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